Auto Change Keyboard Layout in Vim
If you use multiple keyboard layouts then you may know how it's frustrating to
constanly switching between them. Remember that feeling when you come to Vim's
normal mode with keyboard layout different than English? After some time of
-ing, you find out that it doesn't work as expected. Let's do something
with this.
The most straightforward (and also the most rough) workaround is to duplicate
your key mappings in different language. langmap
can help here. You can
explicitly specify all characters that should work in normal mode without
layout switching.
For Russian layout it should look like this:
set langmap=ёйцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюЁЙЦУКЕHГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ;`qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl\\;'zxcvbnm\\,.~QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\\"ZXCVBNM<>
More information can be found at :h langmap
I will not focus on this method, because there is a better way - xkb-switch.
xkb-switch is a C++ program that allows to query and change the XKB layout state.
Usage is simple:
xkb-switch -l
- show available keyboard layoutsxkb-switch -s LAYOUT
- change current keyboard layout to LAYOUT
How it can help us? Let's write a simple vim function, that changes layout
to us
function! RestoreKeyboardLayout(key)
call system('xkb-switch -s us')
execute 'normal! ' . a:key
Now we can map our hjkl
in Russian layout) keys like this:
nnoremap <silent> р :call RestoreKeyboardLayout('h')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> о :call RestoreKeyboardLayout('j')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> л :call RestoreKeyboardLayout('k')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> д :call RestoreKeyboardLayout('l')<CR>
Pressing hjkl
in different layout will implicitly switch it to English.
Now you can forget about current keyboard layout when entering normal mode.
But how about insert mode?
vim-xkbswitch can be used to easily switch current keyboard layout back and forth when entering and leaving insert mode. It has a good documentation and should work out of the box. The only requirement is xkb-switch.
It also support something like langmap
for insert mode. This is example of
mappings for Russian layout:
let g:XkbSwitchIMappingsTr = {
\ 'ru':
\ {'<': 'qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;''zxcvbnm,.`/'.
\ '>': 'йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюё.'.
\ }
And that is all about switching keyboard layouts in Vim.